BT-13. A Place to Stand

USA, Feature Documentary, 2013, 86 min

When Jimmy Santiago Baca was 21, he began a five-year narcotics sentence at Arizona State Prison. Coming from a childhood of abuse and abandonment, Jimmy was filled with sadness, rage and pain. He became a violent prisoner, spending nearly half his sentence in isolation because of his constant fighting. But then one day his life changed. Even though he was functionally illiterate, Jimmy inexplicably stole a book off a prison desk. He taught himself to read and write, and discovered the unbelievable power of language and poetry to express how he felt. Jimmy is in his 60s now and is an award-winning poet, novelist and screenwriter who travels the country teaching writing workshops in prisons. A Place to Stand explores the life of a man who embraced language as a balm for his battered spirit, and a man who?through the power of poetry?finally found his place to stand.

Directed by Daniel Glick

Produced by Gabriel Baca

Colorado Premiere

Co-presented by art from ashes

Talkback follows at Talkback Caf? FREE FOOD + BEVERAGES

Buy tix for Sunday, March 8, 2015, 10:00 am at The Boulder Theater | Export to Outlook/iCal

Jimmy Baca, Daniel Glick and Gabriel Baca in person

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Venues: The Boulder Theater; Grace Commons Church, 1820 15th Street; Boulder High; Cinemark Century Boulder 1, 1700 29th St.; Cinemark Century Boulder 2, 1700 29th St.; eTown Hall; Longmont Museum’s Stewart Auditorium