CH-09. Huntwatch

USA, 87 min., Feature Documentary

Tragically, the brutal baby-seal-clubbers are back in full force, and this time they?re fighting dirty. In the 1980s, appalled by the annual baby seal hunt, Brian Davies started a movement to end it. He raised money to bring media out to document the hunt on the remote ice floes with images of cruel, bloody slaughters, often while the mother seal looked on helplessly. This led to international outrage and the hunt was shut down. But now, under massive lobbying by the fur industry, Canadian politicians have revived the hunt. Brian Davies is now nearly 80, but a young, tough activist has taken up the torch. Sheryl Fink is leading the hunt watch and fighting to completely end the commercial seal hunt, once and for all. But the industry is fighting back.

Colorado Premiere

Brant Backlund in person

Co-presented by Colorado Voters for Animals and the International Fund for Animal Welfare

Buy tix for Saturday, March 5, 2016, 2:30 pm at The First United Methodist Church | Export to Outlook/iCal

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Venues: The Boulder Theater; Grace Commons Church, 1820 15th Street; Boulder High; Cinemark Century Boulder 1, 1700 29th St.; Cinemark Century Boulder 2, 1700 29th St.; eTown Hall; Longmont Museum’s Stewart Auditorium