The Dog Doc

USA, Feature Documentary, 2019, 101 min

The Dog Doc is a visionary approach to caring for animals and ourselves... Hollywood Reporter

Dr. Marty Goldstein is the dog doc. He specializes in a holistic, whole-patient approach to treating animals, particularly those already diagnosed as “hopeless.” Using alternative medicines and unconventional treatments—along with traditional veterinary medicine—he often manages to extend the lives of animals far beyond the expectations of conventional diagnoses. As Goldstein and his staff interact with the animals, the stakes are high and it is often touch and go as we watch the owners struggle with the reality of whether or not their pets will live to see another day. The care and love Marty shows his patients and their guardians offers an immersive view into a seldom seen world...and is something truly magical to watch.

Directed by Cindy Meehl

Colorado Premiere

A Call2Action selection

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Venues: The Boulder Theater; Grace Commons Church, 1820 15th Street; Boulder High; Cinemark Century Boulder 1, 1700 29th St.; Cinemark Century Boulder 2, 1700 29th St.; eTown Hall; Longmont Museum’s Stewart Auditorium